Inside J6 Podcast With James Grant – Ryan Samsel’s Co-Defendant and Witness to the First “Breach” at the US Capitol Speaks Out

This post was originally published on this site

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Last week on the Inside J6 Podcast brought to you by The Gateway Pundit and Blessed News, we sat down with James Grant, an NC State graduate with honors who was all set to attend the University of Alabama’s law school on a merit-scholarship until he got wrapped up in the Jan 6 persecution of MAGA protesters.

Grant spent a little over 32 months in federal prison after being convicted on 4 out of 9 charges brought against him, including felony assault with a deadly weapon.  During the interview portion of the podcast, Grant exposed some of the selective editing and reporting from the J6 Sham Committee in 2022.  If you would like to support James Grant to help with legal fees and his reintegration to society, you can donate here.

Grant has also since revealed to The Gateway Pundit what he believed Ray Epps whispered to Ryan Samsel seconds before he and others pushed the bike rack into a Capitol Police officer.  Video evidence also suggests Grant was correct in his assertion.

EXCLUSIVE: J6 Political Prisoner Speaks Out About What Ray Epps Whispered to Ryan Samsel Before Capitol ‘Breach’

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This was the first Inside J6 Podcast without a ‘J6 news’ portion because of the length of the interview.  You can watch the entirety of the interview below or by downloading the Rumble app and subscribing to The Gateway Pundit here.

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The Gateway Pundit will be releasing more information from Grant regarding his experience surrounding the January 6th protest.

The post Inside J6 Podcast With James Grant – Ryan Samsel’s Co-Defendant and Witness to the First “Breach” at the US Capitol Speaks Out appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.