Ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg, Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, and Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Expose John Kelly’s Lies — Even Trump-Hating Mark Esper Admits He’s Never Heard Trump Praise Hitler

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Then-White House chief of staff John Kelly listens as then-President Donald Trump speaks at a briefing with senior military leaders in the Cabinet Room of the White House, on Oct. 5, 2017.Andrew Harrer / Pool via Getty Images file

Former Chief of Staff John Kelly has once again surfaced with baseless claims aimed at smearing President Donald Trump, just as left-wing operatives, including Kamala Harris, scramble to weaponize Kelly’s latest accusations.

With only days before the election, Kelly’s allegations are clearly designed to harm Trump’s campaign, but it’s nothing more than a last-ditch effort from a disgruntled employee who has long held a vendetta against the former President.

Kelly, who was fired by Trump, is now spreading an outlandish and debunked narrative about Trump allegedly praising Adolf Hitler during his time in office. These accusations are eerily reminiscent of the infamous “suckers and losers” smear propagated by The Atlantic in 2020 — another baseless story designed to defame Trump without a shred of credible evidence.

Even back then, over a dozen individuals, including close staffers. Yet, here we are again, with Kelly rehashing discredited talking points.

Kamala Harris wasted no time jumping on this fabricated narrative, calling an emergency press conference to parrot Kelly’s claims. She launched into a tirade, accusing Trump of wanting “generals like Adolf Hitler had” and implying that Trump seeks dictatorial power.

Unlike Kelly’s baseless claims, numerous prominent figures who worked directly with Trump have spoken out, exposing Kelly’s lies. Former National Security Advisor to Mike Pence, Keith Kellogg, slammed Kelly as “complicit in fraud.”

“Vice President Harris is a fraud. I was in the White House at a senior level much longer than General Kelly. He is complicit in this fraud and has lied to the American people. His lies, as well as John Bolton’s, are a disservice to Nation at this critical time. So are the VP’s,” Kellog wrote.

Former White House Strategic Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp echoed Kellogg’s sentiments, calling Kelly’s smear campaign a “personal vendetta.”

“I worked for John Kelly and don’t believe him. His last ditch effort to stop Donald Trump is desperate. This is a personal vendetta from a staffer who failed at his job and believed as a chief of staff that he should have been the ultimate decisionmaker. President Trump loves America, will preserve our freedoms, and has done more for the Jewish people than any other president,” she wrote.

Even Kayleigh McEnany, who was present at the supposed meeting Kelly referred to, slammed the accusations as lies. She emphasized that The Atlantic, led by notorious warmonger Jeffrey Goldberg, has a history of fabricating stories.

“I was in that July meeting. That was undoubtedly the case. But the reason my antennas went up last night when I saw the name Jeffrey Goldberg is because I was on a tarmac in September of 2020, and a story popped from him in the Atlantic, and it was the Suckers and Losers story we have all heard. Within hours, I was able to collect more than a dozen individuals, several who were firsthand sources, saying that never happened,” said McEnany.

She continued, “My point is, this is based on four anonymous sources, two weeks before an election, disputed by people on the record, and yet it led a CBS news broadcast. What a shame… No, [Atlantic] never reached out to me. I was in that first meeting, [they] never reached out to me.”

The most telling part of this entire smear campaign is that even Trump-hating former officials like Mark Esper have come forward to discredit Kelly’s claims. In an interview with CNN, when asked if he had ever heard Trump speak in derogatory terms about the military, Esper flatly said, “No.”

CNN: “Were there ever any incidents, secretary, that you have not previously spoken about in which you heard Donald Trump use similar language or refer to American military personnel in a derogatory fashion”

Esper: “No, not along the lines that John Kelly and others have outlined.”

The post Ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg, Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, and Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Expose John Kelly’s Lies — Even Trump-Hating Mark Esper Admits He’s Never Heard Trump Praise Hitler appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.