Elon Musk Interviews Alice Weidel from Germany’s Conservative AfD Party on X – Weidel Calls Hitler a Socialist Enraging the Elites – 150 Terrified EU Officials Monitor the Discussion – Full Interview Below

This post was originally published on this site

At least 150 nervous EU globalist officials monitored Elon Musk’s interview with Alice Weidel from Germany’s conservative AfD Party.

For years EU globalist elites ruled Germany and several European nations and allowed for millions of Africans and Arabs to flood into their borders.  The results have been horrific with violence escalating and migrants forming their own pocket communities in cities throughout Europe. At the same time these elites smeared and lied about Germany’s AfD Party in Germany that condemned the mass migration into their country.

In December, an Islamic radical rammed his car through a Christmas Market in Magdeburg, Germany, killing several people and injuring dozens.

Elon Musk called German Leader Scholz “an incompetent fool” after the latest Muslim attack in Magdeburg and called for his resignation.

Musk also doubled-down on his support for the right-wing AfD Party.

Musk Calls Germany’s Scholz ‘An Incompetent Fool’, Demands His Resignation Over Christmas Market Terror Attack, Doubles Down on Support for Rightwing AfD Party

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On Thursday night Elon Musk interviewed Alice Weidel from the AfD Party live on X. European globalists were outraged that the AfD was able to get its message out on X, a free speech platform, and that Elon Musk, the world’s richest man was interviewing her.

The entire video is posted… on X.

One segment that will make headlines is when Alice Weidel correctly called Hitler a socialist. The EU elites won’t like this one bit!

The EU stands for totalitarianism.

The post Elon Musk Interviews Alice Weidel from Germany’s Conservative AfD Party on X – Weidel Calls Hitler a Socialist Enraging the Elites – 150 Terrified EU Officials Monitor the Discussion – Full Interview Below appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.