Dirty Mitch McConnell Attacks Trump and Rick Scott 2 Weeks Out from Election – Refused to Fund Scott, Kari Lake and Ted Cruz but Blew Millions on RINO Larry Hogan’s Losing Campaign

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Mitch McConnell was out being Mitch McConnell this week.

The nasty Trump-hating Democrat lackey attacked President Donald Trump and Senator Rick Scott TWO WEEKS out from the 2024 presidential election.

McConnell has made the Republican Senate Conference a Democrat-lite institution since taking over as leader of the elite group. The Republican Senate might as well be a group of Trump-hating independents who hate the base voters.

It has not gone unnoticed.

This week McConnell came out swinging against Donald Trump and Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) a popular Republican Senator who McConnell has not funded this election cycle.
Maybe Mitch will speak at the next Kamala rally? Why not?

McConnell slammed President Trump AND Republican base voters for being a movement that is “completely wrong” and that Reagan would not not recognize Trump’s GOP.

It should be noted that McConnell is an open border proponent and outspoken warmonger who believes Ukraine should be showered with taxpayer dollars but spending a dime on a border wall is a bad idea.

CNN reported:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a scathing assessment of the modern Republican Party in an upcoming biography, saying the “MAGA movement is completely wrong” and that Ronald Reagan “wouldn’t recognize” the party today.

“I think Trump was the biggest factor in changing the Republican Party from what Ronald Reagan viewed and he wouldn’t recognize today,” McConnell told the Associated Press’ Michael Tackett for the upcoming biography “The Price of Power” obtained by CNN ahead of its release.

McConnell added that the former president has “done a lot of damage to our party’s image and our ability to compete.”

“Trump is appealing to people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that, that these more successful people have somehow been cheated, and you don’t deserve to think of yourself as less successful because things haven’t been fair,” he said.

Some of McConnell’s strongest comments were focused on Trump’s behavior after he lost the election in 2020, calling him “erratic.”

In case you haven’t noticed, McConnell is on the other side!

What a back-stabbing turncoat!

For the record — McConnell is also not funding Kari Lake in Arizona and Ted Cruz in Texas this year in their close senate races.

REVEALED: Dirty Mitch McConnell Is Up to His Old Tricks – Is Not Funding Kari Lake or Ted Cruz in Their US Senate Races when BOTH are Locked in Tight Races (VIDEO)

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The Gateway Pundit wrote the Senate Leadership Fund for a response but have not heard back.

McConnell’s group has given millions to Trump-hating RINO Larry Hogan in his losing race in Maryland.

Senator Mike Lee responded to McConnell’s latest attempted sabotage of Trump and Rick Scott.

The post Dirty Mitch McConnell Attacks Trump and Rick Scott 2 Weeks Out from Election – Refused to Fund Scott, Kari Lake and Ted Cruz but Blew Millions on RINO Larry Hogan’s Losing Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.