Democrat Party’s Favorability Crashes to Historic Low Since 1992 as Americans Reject Radical Left Agenda, According to Far-Left CNN Poll

This post was originally published on this site

(Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The Democrat Party is in crisis, with its favorability plunging to a record low, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS last March 6-9.

Even the far-left network couldn’t hide the reality: Americans are fed up with the radical policies, incompetence, and endless political warfare pushed by today’s Democrats.

The poll reveals that only 29% of Americans hold a favorable view of the Democrat Party—a historic low in CNN’s polling history dating back to 1992.

That’s a 20-point drop since Joe Biden took office in 2021, when the liberal establishment still clung to the illusion that his presidency would be a success.

But as Americans watch cities crumble, inflation skyrocket, and crime spiral out of control, support for the Democrat Party has collapsed.

According to the CNN poll, just 63% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents now say they have a favorable view of their own party—a massive decline from 81% in 2021. Meanwhile, Republicans remain strongly united, with 79% of GOP voters expressing a positive view of their party.

Even among independents, who play a crucial role in elections, the numbers are devastating for Democrats. Just 19% of independents have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, compared to 20% for Republicans.

One of the biggest takeaways from CNN’s poll is the lack of strong leadership within the Democratic Party.

When Democratic-aligned adults were asked who best reflects their party’s core values, the answers were all over the place:

  • 10% named radical leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
  • 9% said Kamala Harris
  • 8% chose socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
  • 6% pointed to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries

Meanwhile, over 30% of respondents didn’t name anyone at all.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that according to a report from Politico, which received a copy of an internal poll conducted by the Democratic group Navigator Research, a majority of Americans still believe the party does not work to further their interests, instead prioritizing the needs of illegal aliens or certain racial minorities.

The report stated:

Nearly two months into the second Donald Trump administration, a majority of voters in battleground House districts still believe Democrats in Congress are “more focused on helping other people than people like me,” according to an internal poll conducted by the Democratic group Navigator Research.

Among independents, just 27 percent believe Democrats are focused on helping them, compared with 55 percent who said they’re focused on others.

Especially alarming for Democrats were findings around voters’ views of Democrats and work. Just 44 percent of those polled said they think Democrats respect work, while even fewer — 39 percent — said the party values work. Only 42 percent said Democrats share their values.

A majority — 56 percent — said Democrats are not looking out for working people. Only 39 percent believe Democrats have the right priorities.

Other findings include a massive 69 percent of voters believing the party is “too focused on being politically correct,” while a further 51 percent feel the party is “elitist.”

Meanwhile, polls after President Trump’s address to a Joint Session of Congress show overwhelming approval for the President’s speech.

Far-left CNN was forced to air a brutal rejection of the Democratic Party, with 69% of Americans approving of President Trump’s speech.

The CNN/SSRS poll showed that 44% of viewers had a “very positive” view of President Trump’s speech, and 25% had a “somewhat positive” view. Only 31% had a negative view of the President’s speech.

CBS News polled 1,207 viewers who were 51% Republican, 27% Independent, and 20% Democratic voters. It found that 91% of watchers care about the issues that Trump spoke about.



The post Democrat Party’s Favorability Crashes to Historic Low Since 1992 as Americans Reject Radical Left Agenda, According to Far-Left CNN Poll appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.