Dem US Congressional Candidate In Critical MI Race Caught On Video: Americans “owe a debt” to Illegal Aliens”—Police Asking Illegals For Papers is “Unwelcoming” [VIDEO]

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This morning, a new bombshell video was released by a local publication, The Midwesterner, that shows Democrat US Congressional candidate Curtis Hertel, who is running against a very popular Republican candidate and 22-year combat veteran, Tom Barrett, in a very close race.  In the video, MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s former top lobbyist can be seen expressing his support for the illegal invasion of America. In the video, Hertel can be heard saying America “owes”  those who illegally crossed our southern border “respect” for their bravery.

Curtis Hertel Jr. admits he wants to prevent Lansing, MI Police, from asking illegal aliens to provide papers (identification documents), calling their attempts to do so “unwelcoming.”

Here’s what a top official working for Harris campaign co-chair, Gretchen Whitmer, had to say at an October 3 campaign event in South Lyon, MI, about illegal aliens in Michigan:

“I’ve said in the past that we should respect those that have tried to come here. Because even if they haven’t done it legally, we owe a debt—like, they taking a risk for their family—there’s nothing more American than that,” Hertel Jr. can be heard saying.

The Democrat then turned to complaining because Michigan voters don’t agree with his far-left views. “But I’m getting hit right now because I said that Lansing Police should not have the ability to just ask people for their papers. Like, I don’t believe that. I think it’s unwelcoming.” Hertel said.

Hertel was then asked if he’d be working with the Republicans to deport illegal aliens?

“No, I don’t have an interest in deporting anybody,” Hertel responds.

Watch the video here:

Will the latest disclosure by Hertel be enough to sink the Democrat who is running in a very tight race against the popular Republican and 22-year combat veteran Tom Barrett?

The latest poll shows Barrett up by 4.1% in the critical US House race


The former MI State Representative (2015-2019) and MI Senator (2019-2023) bravely served in the US Army in the Iraq War, Guantanamo Bay, Kuwait, and the Korean DMZ.

We asked Tom Barrett about the comments his Democrat opponent made in the video. Barrett told us he believes Mr. Hertel is trying to deceive voters on where he stands when it comes to our border crisis. “On TV, he says he stands up to his party about border security, but in private, he admits he wouldn’t deport anyone, even those on the terror watch list or the nearly half a million that we know about with felony convictions that Harris released into our county,” Barrett said.

We asked Barrett what his plan would be to stop illegal aliens with violent criminal histories from being placed into communities across the state of Michigan should he become Michigan’s District 7 Representative in the United States Congress. Barrett said he would like to “Finish the wall, hire more agents, and deport those here illegally, starting with those on the terror watch list and those with criminal convictions.” He also added that when he was a Michigan Senator, he sponsored a bill to stop sanctuary citizens in Michigan while his opponent was in favor of sanctuary cities.

From the Congressional Leadership Fund: A Fox News report reveals DCCC-backed Curtis Hertel opposes local governments reporting illegal immigrants to ICE and supports sanctuary cities.

The former MI State Senator even backed Lansing’s previous decision to declare itself a sanctuary city before city officials thought better of it. 

But that’s not all – Hertel DOUBLED DOWN when asked about this, again reiterating his out-of-touch position.

So if Hertel had his way, Lansing would join the list of sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago, which are overrun with undocumented immigrants to the point where city resources are getting axed and migrant crime is skyrocketing.

This morning, Elon Musk tweeted about the strategic plan by Democrats to place illegal aliens in swing states across America. Next to Pennsylvania, Michigan is arguably America’s second most crucial swing state.

Musk wrote:

Massive numbers flown directly to swing states and put on the fast track to citizenship. Voter importation. It’s a sure way for the Democratic Party to achieve permanent victory. Diabolically smart.

Musk also shared a tweet from Mario Nawfal, who has 1.7 million followers on X, warning about the massive number of “inadmissible aliens” from various countries who are being flown to the interior states.


Biden-Mayorkas allegedly implemented a policy flying inadmissible aliens into the interior of the U.S., reportedly bringing in up to 45,000 per month from various countries.

Since the policy’s launch, 823,000 individuals have been transported.

For comparison, only 65,000 were relocated in the 10 years prior to this initiative.


Are these the brave illegal aliens Curtis Hertel Jr. thinks America owes a debt of gratitude to?

Hertel has also been criticized for supporting his former boss’s push to bring the CCP battery plant into rural Michigan, a plan that his opponent, Tom Barrett, opposes. According to Crain’s Business, Hertel has been under fire for signing a non-disclosure agreement related to economic development projects and his support for a state business incentives program from which $175 million was allotted for a Chinese company to construct a 2,350-job, $2.4 billion battery-components plant near Big Rapids.

Citizens living in Big Rapids and surrounding communities have been fighting the construction of the CCP-tied battery plant for over a year. So far, they have been successful in their efforts to keep the project Hertel and Whitmer, which they have been fighting to build in their small, rural community.

But that’s not all…

Last month, the Michigan Inspector General was asked to investigate Curtis Hertel Jr., one of Michigan’s dirtiest politicians, who is currently running for a seat in the US Congress.

Political watchdog Americans for Public Trust requested that they investigate the former top lobbyist for Kamala Harris’ campaign co-chair, MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The allegation was that Curtis Hertel Jr. misused public funds and political connections to land a well-paying job in health care.

According to the New York Post – Hertel was Whitmer’s director of legislative affairs when her administration passed an $82 billion budget last year, and he was intimately involved in the negotiations. So it raised alarm bells when the budget allocated $1.5 million to the Greater Flint Health Coalition, run by a former colleague of Hertel.

Mere days after the budget passed, Hertel resigned from Whitmer’s administration to take a job at the healthcare org whose coffers he’d just helped pad.


The post Dem US Congressional Candidate In Critical MI Race Caught On Video: Americans “owe a debt” to Illegal Aliens”—Police Asking Illegals For Papers is “Unwelcoming” [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.